sidereal ~ of or relating to the stars

alchemy ~ magic, transformation, transmutation

~ siderealchemy ~

~ the cosmic magic of who you are ~

photo by Charlotte Watts Photography

photo by Charlotte Watts Photography | © Siderealchemy

Skyeris (she/they) has been a sinistral, spitfire creatrix her entire life. Voice too loud, hair too unruly, spirit too wild—all of which she’s happy to claim.

She is the intuitive, teacher, musician, & ritualist of Siderealchemy, a space for other rebels, nonconfirmists, & weirdos to lean into their magic & amplify it to the world.

A neurodivergent synesthete, Skye has always explored & dwelt in liminal spaces, marginalia, & borderlands, which are most natural to their innate curiosity & love of diversity. They has lived & traveled abroad for many years, for both study & work.

Skye skillfully bridges the sacred & the mundane. They ground spirit into matter; they transduces matter into spirit. Where others see practicality vs spirit, they see innate connection. Practi-spiri-cality.

Her purpose is to use her voice—to share her creative expressions & activate sacred spaces. A lifelong musician & wordsmith, she deftly wields sound & language in various webs & weavings.

She has been a teacher for over 25 years; she equally loves a group class & the intimacy of 1:1 sessions. And, not surprisingly, the spectrum of spaces betwixt & between.

In no particular order, she is also a wanderer, speaker, creative, yoga practitioner, lover, thinker, rape survivor, reader, dancer. She also lives with an invisible, chronic illness.

In everything she does, they strive to balance effort with surrender, precision with laughter.
Live life, love life, live love.

contact: info [at] siderealchemy [dot] co

Partial list of facilitation, appearances, & such:

~ Sacred Fermentation in Atlanta, GA, 2021
~ CBR Project in Rwanda, USA, Jordan, 2014-2018
~ Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health in Stockbridge, MA, 2015-2016
~ Food for Immunity in Atlanta, GA 2016-2017
~ Sex Down South Conference in Atlanta, GA, 2015
~ Interfaith Harmony Project (part of U.N.-designated World Interfaith Harmony Week) in Atlanta, GA, 2015

Other press & interviews:

~ The Magic of Rebels, Nonconformists, & Weirdos on Real Life Sex with Daniele Love, 2022.

~ "The Press Kit" (part of Progressive News Hour) on WRFG 89.3FM in Atlanta, GA 2015-2016
~ "In the Spirit" radio show on WRPI 91.5FM in Troy, NY, 2015-2018
~ New World Kirtan Podcast, 2013-2020
~ Yoga Chat with The Accidental Yogist (podcast), 2013

~ intuition ~ ritual ~ sound ~

If you are looking for a strong woman, you have found her. If you are looking for a transformer, she is it.

Skye is, without a doubt, one of the truest manifestations of fierce human love that I have ever met.

If you meet her, you’ll no doubt know it too.